Individual / couple treatments
Watsu is a treatment method that combines hot water and shiatsu. Massage and movement therapy in a warm and pleasant water environment. The body floats and stretches, with Shiatsu presses shaking and releasing the body. The mind relaxes and the muscles are released, tension and pressure are washed away by the water and pain finds relaxation. Natural body flexibility is rediscovered.
Lack of gravity and lack of load on the body, allow the spine and body muscles movements that are usually not performable on a table or mattress. A person undergoing Watsu treatment feels flexibility and freedom of movement, a sense of freedom and upliftment.
WaterDance Underwater therapy that blends the world of the movements of watsu, aikido and shiatsu with the movements of marine animals. The infinite flow created by the movements of the therapist and the patient, develops into a dance in the water. From all these grows a deep meditative experience that leads to physical and mental relaxation.
In the treatment method (WaterDance) the real occurrence is above and below the water, with the therapist completely merging with the patient's breathing and investing it while exhaling under the water, while being attentive to the abilities and limitations of his breathing. (The patient wears nose clips, to prevent water penetration), a deep, powerful and changing experience is created from treatment to treatment.
In this type of treatment, it is recommended to do a series of treatments, which deepen from session to session. This treatment can be complementary to body-mind treatment or be an alternative to anxiety, stress, restlessness and stress. No special diving skills are required, anyone can experience even the first encounter.
Waterdance treatment lasts 50 minutes and is recommended for anyone who wants to have a special experience and meet the peace of mind.
Jahara, a hot water treatment method based on proper posture and cultivating bodily awareness by using the "gentle power of water". The Jahara Method was developed in 1996 by Mario Jahara, a senior Shiatsu therapist who put his terrestrial work into the water.
The water movement is circular and continuous towards the patient's head while creating a gradual elongation of the spine. The goal of treatment is to reduce pressure from the joints and help lengthen the spine, space the intervertebral spaces, and create expansion.
The use of a buoy under the knees allows buoyancy in the correct body position and support for the lower back. The buoyancy below the knees releases the therapist's hands to perform gentle presses based on shiatsu points while gently stretching and releasing the limb joints.
Jahara therapy combines active exercises aimed at developing a healthy kinesthetic sense (emphasis on proper body posture). The active exercises
The water helps to strengthen the center muscles (core muscles) while creating a flowing movement that is challenged by the lift force of the water. The emphasis is on adapting the exercises to daily tasks in order to improve out-of-water functions.
The development of physical awareness is a key component in Jahara therapies, enabling safety in therapy and combining challenge and enjoyment alike. The key of the method is to treat effectively and creatively and in accordance with the needs of each and every patient. The treatment is performed slowly and with the intention of creating expansion while making contact and listening to the posture of the body and skeleton.